Legal notice


SESANNI. is a company operating in the fashion & accessories industry. It belongs to the CLOTON LIMITED group, which owns the brand name.

The customer is at the center of our unique business model, which includes design, production, distribution and sales through our online platform.

SESANNI - Copyright © 2020 - 2023 - All rights reserved. 

5th Floor, 22 Eastcheap, London, EC3M 1EU, UNITED KINGDOM
Registered in UNITED KINGDOM - Number 15348866


Contact & Support


📞 +39 3886556747


This notice contains the legal terms and conditions governing the site

By accessing the site users agree to accept and agree to abide by all the conditions contained in this statement.
SESANNI. reserves the right to ask users who do not accept or do not intend to comply with these terms, to refrain from using the website
Access to the site and its services is intended solely for personal use. The proposed products belong only to our brand and should not be approached, exchanged or considered as belonging to other brands.
Visualization of the site provides customers with information about the proposed products together with the possibility of purchasing them.